
Commission one of a kind fantasy artwork.


Email me


  • By request

Social Media.

  • You are welcome to communicate through social media.



Would you like to commission a fantasy artwork featuring you, a friend or family member.

This is a great alternative to the normal gift. On this page, I will explain as much as possible before you email me, about what it entails to commission a fantasy artwork. This will help you to decide if this is what you would like, as it does demand a little help on your part too. 


What do you get for your commission?

  • Each commission is fixed at €50.00 (No extra hidden fees)
  • You get one character which is set in a fantasy background.
  • As many consultations as you need by email  
  • This fee includes my time creating the artwork.
  • You get a A 4 size signed print of the artwork shipped to you.
  • I will also email you a high resolution copy of the image of your artwork, for your own personal use. 


About your commission 

  • Photo manipulation art is created using a computer software such as photo shop or paint shop. It involves the alteration of photographs using various methods and techniques to achieve one of a kind artwork.
  • After your email, I will notify you when I am ready to start your artwork, as I work on first come, first served basis. The waiting time for your finished artwork  is 2 - 6 weeks depending on my workload.
  • We will have a consultation by email to make sure that we are both on the same page before I start, so I get a clear idea of what you want.
  • Email me a high resolution (good quality) image of the person you want in the artwork and explain what kind of fantasy art you would like.
  • Please check out my photo manipulation gallery to see what style I do.   VISIT GALLERY


Who can be in the artwork

  • Female / Male / Child / Baby / Animal 


How to take a good photo.

  • It needs to be sharp and clear so I can get the best possible results for you. I cannot work with a blurred image. You may want to  email me a few images so I can pick out the best one to work with.
  • The best advice I can give to you is, to hold your camera or phone camera very still, then take the shot.
  • Another thing to note is, if you shoot outside, make sure the sun is behind you. If you shoot inside just make sure you have enough light.
  • If you want a portrait, shoot from the waist up.
  • When taking a full body shot, it will be head to toe, so please shoot all the body. Some people leave out someones foot or part of their head.
  • When taking the photo do not have anything in the way/covering part of the body, example: standing in front of grass, bushes, flowers, handbag, etc. 
  • If you are not good at taking photos, it is best get someone else do it for you. I will be an email away to help you, together we will work it out and I will go through the photos and even if you have to take more photos again, it is not a problem. 
  • If you zoom into your photo and the face is not blurred, this is a good indication that the photo is good quality.


Not all models need to pose.

  • Even if you do not have time for setting up a home photo shoot, you still can get an artwork done. If you have a photo already or take a picture that you are happy with, this is fine, as long as it is a good quality photo. I will do my best to make it look good.


Loved one who has passed.

  • Maybe you have a photo of a loved one that has passed, if it is a good quality photo, I have many backgrounds I could create,  a heaven scene with a stairway to heaven, clouds, doves etc. maybe they loved the countryside etc. 



Here are some examples how to pose a baby:

  • Propped up in a chair.
  • Asleep. This is a perfect pose for a baby as a fairy, asleep in a basket or flower in an enchanting forest. etc.



Take a shot of them.. asleep, running towards you, sitting, jumping etc.


Model Release Form

  • Please download the model release from at the end of this page. This is just to clarify that you have permission to use the image of the model for this artwork. Read more at the end of page.


The theme of your artwork?

  • What would you like your character to be? (Mermaid/Fairy/Witch/Angel/Human etc.)

  • About the background in the artwork? I usually pick the background to match your character.

  • Is there an occasion that you would like to mark? (Birthday/Wedding/Christmas/Easter/Halloween etc)

  • Do you want a full body artwork or a portrait? Full body=head to toe or Portrait=waist up


How to achieve the best possible pose for your character.

  • Emailing me an image of the person you want in the artwork, just sitting there and smiling will not do justice to your finished fantasy artwork. The person/model, will have to pose a certain way to match the theme of the artwork. I will explain how it is done. This is the part I would love to do for you but unfortunately this will have to be your task, as I cannot be physically with you for this. Here is an example to guide you. You can use this tip as a guide for whatever character you choose.


Example: The Witch

What clothes to wear. 

  • Wear black clothes & black boots. 
  • Let your hair down. If you have short hair, I can add long hair later if you wish.
  • Wear a costume witches hat, if you don't have one, I can add it later.

How to pose. These poses can make the artwork look so realistic.

  • Sit on a sweeping brush as if you where about to fly (I will add the broomstick later on)
  • Sit down on steps and pretend you are looking at a pumpkin
  • Walking slowly towards the camera and gaze (This will appear you are mesmerizing) 
  • If you want a sleeping or dead witch, pose lying down & so on...
  • Pay attention to the way you pose your arms, legs and feet. Feel free to be as creative as you want.  You get the idea! Go with the poses that suits the character you choose. Please take as much photos as you want so I will have more options to work with.


Clothes Options for your Character.

This is just a guide.

  • Witch, Dracula, Vampire etc. - Dark colors, cape or long black coat.
  • Angel - White or bright colors.

Female - A wedding dress, evening dress, light trouser suit or a pretty dress. 

Male - A robe, white sheet or white suit.

  • Mermaids - This pose is from the waist up as I add the mermaid tail later.

Bikini / Cropped top / Sports bra / Bra  / Use your long hair or wig to cover you / Nude for the brave / For larger ladies a pretty top with long sleeves if you wish will be perfect.

  • Fairy - Green or autumn colors.

Tee shirts, pretty blouses, ripped shorts, minis, belts etc

  • Human - Wear your best clothes or..

For a dreamy look, wear a flowing dress

For a urban action girl, tight leathers/trousers, mini, tight top. Have your hair in plates or a high pony tail for that Laura Croft vibe.


Facial Expressions

The Expression on the models face is so important too.

  • Is the witch friendly, evil, wicket, confused, upset, dead, sleeping, happy, sad, afraid, excited or silly

Consider these expressions while posing.

  • Happy witch = smile
  • Evil witch = act angry
  • Dead or sleeping witch = eyes closed and so on... get the idea!


Does the model need to wear makeup?

  • This is probably for the ladies. You don't have to go to the extreme and book a makeup artist  :-) or wear full make up but I do recommend a little foundation and lipstick.


Make this experience fun!

  • You are probably reading this and thinking this sounds daunting. Actually this is much easier than you think. Just pretend you are at a photo shoot, this is the model's chance to play dress up and be silly.  The main thing is to have fun and enjoy the experience.


What I will & will not do as an artist.

Yes ...

  • Pin Up Girl - Yes you can pose for this 1940-1950's old Hollywood style. 
  • Topless - For a mermaid pose this is quite acceptable.
  • Nudes -  As an artist this is not a problem for me. Nudes both male & female in art, can be beautiful when tastefully done. (This excludes babies & children).
  • Dark Art - I am happy to create art with Dracula, Vampires, fallen angels, suicide, art with dark undertones etc. This type of fantasy art is harmless and is mainly inspired by art, books & movies.

Note: My client base is mainly from the USA and this is why I am making a note of this here, that I have no interest in the dark side of the occult & Satanism. A lot of Americans have very strong feelings about this issue and I totally respect that.

No ...

  • Pornography - I will not create art with sexually explicit photographs of adults, children or animals.
  • Abuse - I will not create art that involves bondage, fetishes, hate, horror, torture or cruelty to adults, children or animals.
  • Animal cruelty - I am totally against hunting scenes, fur related, fishing, shooting, horse racing (even anyone sitting on a horse), anything related to abusing or taking advantage of animals for human entertainment. 



  • Your privacy is very important to me. I will never show your emailed images to anyone or share them on social media. When I complete your commission, your images will be deleted immediately. I will keep a copy of the finished artwork as backup for you, for 6 months encase you accidentally erase it or would like me to send it to you again.



  • No refunds on commissions.

Why you need a Model release form

Please download the model release form below, print it off, get the model to sign it, you sign it & finally email it to me. This is just to clarify that the model is giving you permission to use their image in this artwork. If it is a child, a guardian must sign. This stops anyone using unauthorized photos without the owners consent.

Model Release Form PDF